- Parents-Baby Groups -
Child’Space groups are unique, interactive and joyful developmental classes for babies and their parents or caregivers.

Parents learn attentive touch and close communication to help them bond with their babies, facilitating optimal attachment.
Sensory-motor development
Babies receive various sensory motor experiences, which are fundamental to their development and fast-growing brains. Parents gain understanding of what their child needs at each developmental milestone.
Child’Space classes aim to constitute a supportive community for parents and babies and provide a wonderful opportunity to meet people with mutual interests, share and socialize in a safe environment.
Support & Nurture
Small and intimate groups provide parents with professional guidance to help them get to know their baby, support their baby' natural development, growing sense of self and ability to interact and learn from their surroundings.

Play with your baby
learning new ways to communicate through touch, movement, play, rhythm and songs, parents actively enrich their baby’s sensory-motor, speech, cognitive, emotional and social growth.
Special Attention Groups
These groups are for babies who have specific needs that are best addressed in a small group of 3 babies. Learning together is fun and helps develop social skills.
Supportive environment
Ortal’s broad experience and Knowledge in Child'Space, Feldenkrais and Social Work contributes to her understanding of the human soul and helps her build trust and supportive environment in the group.
Learn new ways of handling and soothing your baby
Learn to touch with confidence and attunement.
Help your baby enjoy tummy time.
Foster your baby’s ability to self-soothe (regulate).
Learn how to ease colic and gas pains.
Encourage vocalization – the foundations of speaking.
Learn how to lead your child and contain situations of frustration and cry.
Find new ways to play and connect with your baby.
Help to improve your baby’s movement quality in rolling, sitting, crawling, standing and walking
Learn when to help your baby and when to allow her to solve problems on her own.
Set up the play environment to encourage optimal development.
Gain a clearer understanding of what your child needs at each stage.
Find out what toys and equipment are useful and what is not.
Learn how to use a baby carrier in an optimal way.