First time in Scandinavia!
Introduction to Child'Space Course in Oslo, Norway​
with Ortal Goldshmid & Sabine Schmid Blackaby
Participants talk about the course:
"Thank you so much for your excellent course! It was so inspiring to me, and I used my new knowledge immediately in my work"
"I really enjoyed the three days in Oslo, you presented it clearly and also gently and with warmth, introducing different circumstances and practical solutions"
Exploring typical and non-typical infant development
3-day course including Theoretical and Practical aspects, Live Demonstrations with babies, Developmental movement lessons for the students, Hands-on practice,
Questions and Answers.

Workshop agenda
First day
Typical Development
Rolling as the foundation for balance
Second Day
Special needs
Cerebral Palsy and other neurological challenges
Third day
Baby and Parent groups
Transitions in movement and in Life
For Feldenkrais teachers who would like to work with babies and children and for Professionals working within schools, kindergartens, rehabilitation and educational-psychological services who would like to explore a different approach.
Please contact the organizer: Astrid Årdal
97 11 28 68
Location: Sagene IF klubbhus
Stavangergata 32, 0467 Oslo
Hrs: 10:00-16:00 every day
Price: NOK 3400
We look forward to seeing you