Ortal Goldshmid
Certified Feldenkrais
& Child'Space Practitioner
Ortal Goldshmid is a Certified Teacher and Therapist of the Feldenkrais and Child'Space Methods and holds a Bachelor of Social Work degree.
She is an educator and a trainer in the Child’Space certification trainings in Argentina, Europe and Israel. She has been Dr. Chava shelhav’s assistant since 2010, and has over 15 years experience in early infant development, specializing in working with children with various neurological, motor and sensory challenges. She worked at a family health care center and took part in the establishment and operation of a special governmental program for families at-risk.
Ortal is a certified practitioner and therapist of the Feldenkrais method since 2014 and offers group and individual lessons for adults of all ages and abilities who wish to improve their movement and quality of life.
Ortal's passion for helping babies, children and adults learn how to move easily despite any difficulty or limitation, originates from her own personal experience. Born with developmental dislocation of the hip (DDH), she was treated during her first two years of life with harness, brace and cast, until she was eventually operated.
Thanks to her parents, she had a happy childhood and loved to dance. However, it was only when she became acquainted with the Feldenkrais method, she learned to listen to her body and work with it peacefully. The Child'Space method enabled her to experience all early childhood developmental stages as she has never experienced before. That made her realize what she wants to do in life – to help people of all ages come home to themselves, connect body to mind, learn to use their whole selves in harmony and trust their body for all functions, old and new, discovering new paths and dreams.
Ortal's sound knowledge and experience led her to establish, together with her colleague, an advanced training program for guides of parent-baby groups and developmental movement classes at kindergartens. Chava Shelhav, founder and international director of the Child'Space Method, Supported this program, which is taught successfully in The Netherlands and Israel.
Just like movement, Ortal is constantly pursuing new ideas to improve her therapy and training. She brings into her work an innovative and joyful approach.
Ortal is originally from Israel, but currently lives in Norway together with her spouse and two daughters.